About Us

Field Structure Model

Structural studies, as a science in its own right, began in the modern era of the 1950’s with Buckminster Fuller and his coterie of people interested in form and structure. He gave structure a broad interpretation that extended geometry beyond its previous boundaries. The work on a Form and Structure Theory has been extended and amplified by many people who worked mostly independently exploring structure.

The institute was formed to support the efforts of those people who are thinking in terms of form and structure. Sporadic meetings through the years have kept the subject alive. Now with the formation of FSI, a meeting place where individuals can share their work, archive their research, share and participate in the subject of structure, has been established. FSI intends to provide year-round support and interaction services both on-line and in-person for the world’s structural community.

Field Structure Institute (FSI) invites researchers to bring their work to a forum where it can be shared and appreciated by a supportive interested group of piers. From the microscale to the cosmic scale constructs, structure exists. This broad reach in scale can be understood as a structural continuum. What links this broad expanse can be achieved by understanding the nature of field structure. It is the field that joins one thing to another. From ideas to models to applications, FSI is interested in the laws and principles of form and structure that will be applicable to all disciplines.

The Institute also accepts field structure-related research inquiries, presentation suggestions, and conversations via our Mighty Networks portal.

FSI is a registered not-for-profit, non-stock corporation in the State of Maryland.